Selected Articles on Biblical Law and Literature
Andrew Simmonds
Selected Articles on Biblical Law and Literature
Selected Articles on Biblical Law and Literature
Christianity and the Imperial Cult: Jewish and Roman Sacred Law Share a Direct Common Origin
Women Witnesses to the Risen Lord
Cursing the Fig Tree In Mark
Caiaphas, Johannes Romanus: John's Imperial Roman Audience
Uses of Blood: Re-reading Matt 27:25
"Woe to You . . . Hypocrites!" Re-reading Matthew 23:13-36
Indirect Causation: A Reminder from the Biblical Goring Ox Rule for Fraud on the Market Securities Litigation
Amah and Eved and the Origin of Legal Rights
Not available on this site: Mark's and Matthew's Sub Rosa Message in the Scene of Pilate and the Crowd,
Journal of Biblical Literature
131 (2012): 733-54
‘His blood on us and on our children’ Matt 27.25 Is Modeled On Oedipus’ Unwitting Kinship Oath To His Father In Sophocles’
Oedipus Tyrannus